Training your mind is helping you to think in more than one, or two or even three options, and like that I WON! #iLoreley
I can not close this year’s posts until I am writing a bit about one amazing artist discovered by #mDaniel, my husband, through his science related papers, that is also involved in catching the fake, and revealing it through his amazing analytical skills. I can’t not stop myself from thinking that he is probably the last Mohican of the Painting side of the art, and yet youngest than I expected to be, and very handsome 🙂 , his girlfriend helped us all to acknowledge how handsome he is 🙂 . #iLoreley
Miles Williams Mathis is probably the best modern times’ painter that is preserving the art and not perverting it! #iLoreley
And for not getting caught into his seductive artistically and scientifically ways of expressing himself, I would complete with the fact that some of his analyses are not quite realistic and evidence based and therefore some of them seems to me like jumping to a wrong conclusion, but it is something I am allowing myself to do as well from time to time as artists should do! 😉 #iLoreley