After giving birth to my daughter, when I had to present my daughter to my brother as an answer on to whom is she like, I said that she is all inclusive. In time thanks to my knowledge I realized that it was about me and that if I am not doing something about it, I am putting her to carry the burden of what I have not fulfilled in my life, which might not be that bad if I will not be myself, but I am!
So here is my conclusion, although I thought I will have it after Nice. Actually what I am really going to do with it is still unclear, but you know sometimes the rest are only details.
As cliche as it may sounds but as good as it sounds in marketing, the only label that will always make me feel as I am truly feeling and needing to be and acting accordingly is that I am an all inclusive authentic label and the only label that can accept all my visions of how the world should heal and be healed, assert and to going on is by being and asserting myself as an artist!
The only place where I can mix corruption and love and still be good is in art! The only place where you can mix drugs and alcohol and save accidentally someone is in art! The only place where you can save and fix the world in an idyllic or immature way and still be acceptable and lovely and profitable is in art! The only place where I can assert myself without feeling that I have to explain why I am thinking the way I am thinking is art! The only place where you don’t need others to accept you is in art! The only place where it still feel normal to cry and then to laugh without being labeled unstable is in art! The only place that will ever comprise that everything is for and not against and not harming anyone it is in art! The only place where I can write/communicate without fearing that someone will use against me or other innocents or for their own good and not giving the appropriate values to that work it is in art! And I can keep write on…
Therefore, I am #iLoreley an unknown but still an Artist who’s all that is including can not live otherwise than an Artist!
That is also the way interrupted by a communist system in which I was born of which I will always treasure my father for protecting me of! And if you see me around this blog writing again, please remind me through a comment that I should go back writing screenplays and then to play them, if no one else on this planet would because that is good for me, instead of keep on trying to be here mainly for you, and I will feel that we are even for my past generosity!
#iLoreley on herself and you
PS: I have pissed off enough everyone with playing all the social and artistic role till now in my real life and real situations that demanded me to act like I did, meaning myself, its time to go Pro 🙂 and since in Spain I was already for one day and a half a waitress can’t wait for the next level, of course I have had to make a deserved scene there too 😀 at my leaving! #iLoreley
PS1: I will not donate anymore any of my healing mix books cause if you want to do something about it for you and for me, you will find the way to it! But I will use it for myself!
PS2: My first screenplay involves 3 actors very popular and politicians, try to touch it! 😉
Laughing is a social habit, ☮️ my ❤️ & LIKE & SHARE