After enough breaking ups, making ups, separating ups, divorcing ups, building ups, I have discovered my favorite two Secret Lovers and they are both agreed with my husband since they are going perfect with the business: Mr. T. Ravel and Mr. M. O’Ney and because we are respecting ourselves mutually I agreed to his Secret Lover: Miss S. Cala!
My actual status between 25-27 May 2019 is: In a Relationships with Travel and Money my secret lovers! Signing #iLoreley’s book autographs in Venice, Hotel Alexander! 🤗 Breakfast at Alexander Hotel!
I have tried to offer to my husband a trip with his secret lover Scala but he refused me!
I don’t know how others are, but I just can’t help myself and I can’t be separated from my two secret lovers! #iLoreley
Laughing is a social habit, ☮️ my ❤️ & LIKE & SHARE