God – as #iLoreley see it as the Brain (the so called Father in the Christianity) and the guts feelings (the second brain, the so called Son in the Christianity) of one person and the network formed by the more than one person is forming a bigger level called Brain Storming. Out of this you can try to change the interpretation of praying, of theories, of religious dogmas, of the way you relate to the outer world and inner world…
Killing the alternatives, the options and the perverting of the essence of the human nature is the definition of the sin in the perspective of Daniel Mircea Nedelcu.
The brain is like a nebula, an infinite galaxy of options, that’s why when I see so called VIPs, so called Role Models and so called Authorities Figures that are working with the same 2 options since always, I am calling them monkeys, to kill, to exclude, to blindly following, to be obedient. I have identified behaviors in humans that are not specific even in the animals, but that are present more and more in the human behavior, to destroy for the destroying sake.
I met simple persons which, although ultimately they are ending in the same point of choosing between 2 options, they have in mind more intelligent options than the most used options of the rest that are using them until the galaxy from their brain ended up in having a winding on the same transited routes in the brain.
Brain – become in this perspective God and the main sin being Killing the options that our Brain, God is offering to us all instead of killing them. As far as I could depicted until now these options offered by our brain are related also to the billions of possibilities created by our billions of neurons, therefore killing the options might also means killing very concrete routes into our brain which otherwise would be quite extended.
The fact that our brain is in the end into the simple operation of choosing between the two options remained it shouldn’t necessary leading to the killing of the rest of them after you made your choice, because that is leading to killing your own freedom of thinking and ultimately to the reduced use of your own brain which will hold you in the monkey mode of functioning and in the same route using of your brain instead of the expanded network.
The same applies to the hierarchy that we projected in the outer life of our brain, as the internal hierarchy of the brains. We have the first hierarchy between the Brain from the skull and the Brain from our solar plexus, plexus, stern. Then inside the skull brain there is hierarchy and all this we have projected so we can acknowledge better our brain complexity. one example: The army is like the anti-bodies and the immune system that are fighting against the intruders. And like in the real life, when the body is not recognizing the good “intruders”, the body is working against its own well being by destroying it.