How many times you’ve been caught in a movie, in a secret wish, in a secret belief, in a secret anchor, in a secret desire, in a wishful thinking of being or becoming Immortal?
In other words how many times you were caught in the brain’s symptom of the psychosis of the Immortality?
While we live with the impression that our brain is the perfect chief in charge that we just don’t know how to manipulate it in order to lead us exactly to what we want to obtain in life, our brain is sometimes tangled in the battle between the two hemispheres.
In the lack of the enough information about the rest of our body, our brain is experiencing the state of feeling immortal. One example very simple: both women and men can suffer of one disease called the silent disease, osteoporosis, in which our brain is in complete lack of information about the state of our bones problems since the lack of calcium at that level it is not obvious in the general clinical ways of determining it, until a certain age and until a certain illness level of the bones so they can depicted it.
Exactly the same way, while psychologically we might feel strong enough to overcome certain situations we have met before and that we are feeling prepared for, our brain is again in a psychosis of being immortal in the lack of the information that actually our body is consuming certains minerals, vitamins that if we are not minding immediately to put them back, our brain is living a prolonged state of a easy psychosis of feeling good until the body is manifesting signs of illness and we are starting to investigating it, or sometimes until a coma.
While our brain is in the dark without information regarding our own rest of the body, our brain is experiencing a state of a psychosis of immortality.
Not knowing that this is a symptom of the brain caused by the imperfect way our body is build we can live so long with the strong impression of the brain into our brain that our brain is soon ready to convince the other part of the brain 😀 that this is the reality and that we are most probably immortal but we just don’t know how to deal with our brain to make it real.
The scientists that knows about mass manipulations and that have been used for centuries for such goals are in the dark of the lack of the results and they will be for ever, because they had no idea that including their own behaviour of manipulation is a part of our brain’s functioning structure.
In other words our own brain is working as an Overtone window and with exercises, with medical check-ups, the right ones not the piss of we forum passport kind, nor the invalidated test of covid19, our brain can be in a more realistic contact with the rest of the body and therefore less manipulated by its own brain and of course less manipulated from the outside of our complete body.
The Buddhism was so very close to the Brain perspective of the God meaning in the #iLoreley’s findings, by preaching their Yin-Yang symbol of wholeness as a 2 part forming the Oneness. Our Brain it’s tailor-made for learning, which is associated with WHITE matter of the Brain. Exactly like in the Brain, the Yin and Yang symbol is actually showing the 2 hemisphere forming the Brain, left hemisphere is the hemisphere which might seem dominant to men since it is the rational, logic, facts, linear thinking, thinking in words, dominant brain activity, and the Right hemisphere the one more specific to women since is associated with Intuition, holistic thinking, imagination, feelings visualization, rhythm.
The infinite Loop symbol is the loop of communication between the 2 Brain hemispheres, the left hemisphere of the Brain is associated with the right arm and the right hemisphere is associated with the left arm.