On invincibility, bubbles as cells, psychosis, genetics and suicidal gene solution
Studying one dominant pattern of actions and through the (eye) iglasses of the mind’s and body’s functioning projection in the outer world, I have got to invent the concept of invincibility’s psychosis like a temporary bubble and sometimes a permanent bubble, psychosis created by a gene’s mutation that is actually fighting against someone from the outer world when the mutated gene is fighting the cells, genes, from the same body. In these conditions, the human mind is actually being possessed by the psychosis of being invincible generated by the mutated gene and in this possession, the whole person’s actions are showing this invincibility psychosis perceived by the people not having this mutated gene as being completely unaware of the most probable failure of that person’s goal’s actions.
For example, in Ireland 1 in 5 person has a fully gene mutation of leading to too much iron in the blood which is leading to an intoxication that the body has to deal with, the skin is getting darker and darker, therefore the body is showing this capture of the body’s genes and cells by this mutation of iron excesses and the skin is starting to show the iron color and the person is starting to realize that is under a dominance of something that is coloring the skin.
Coming back to this psychological behavior emerged out of the struggle between the mutated gene and the rest of the body, I could see that the person is behaving like a hidden criminal that can not be stopped from acting against another person as if the person would project the mutated gene fight on someone else and their drive to “kill” that person one way or another or at least to make it to obey, while medically it is simply impossible to make a mutation to obey, if its a fully mutated gene. Therefore I have seen some fully mutated genes that are affecting vital organs and functions as acting as the criminal gene to self-destroying the person while the person is absolutely unaware of the gene mutation and being absolutely positive that is defeating the other person when is actually under the spell of its mutated gene’s psychosis and on a road of failure.
Thinking that this behavior is something like a suicidal behavior I have got to discriminate between a classical suicidal and this kind of suicidal, and I decided that this is more like a criminal leading to self-destruction actions than a suicidal behavior, since the suicidal behavior is usually a surrender action and not a criminal, fighting action.
Knowing as a fact that during the times I was running my psychotherapist activity, I discovered that a pattern of a defense mechanism of surrender of one of my clients got into my mind connected with to the discovery of having a gene of not having the possibility of pro-creation of own children, I wondered now if the suicidal has a gene and if this gene of not having own children is the one that in time might lead to suicidal attempt.
If the criminal gene is basically harder to be discovered and to be kept under control, the suicidal gene is easier to be controlled since the only effect aside of not having children, is probably this defense mechanism of surrender which can be under control with some medication.
Being happy for the suicidal tempted people that they might have greater chances to live, I am looking forward to inspire also the people that might have the symptoms of feeling invincible without having real resources for being close to this bubble influence, to check their health for helping themselves and like that to keep the inside enemy under control and giving the outer world a chance to be a better place by not attacking people for the unaware level of own genetic bubbles.
fully mutated gene – means inherited from both parents