Seeing that another stupid artist died accidentally, I have decided to write about a little astrology and about encouraging you to find an astrologer and to find out about your self the following milestones.
You are an idiot dear Dolores, I loved your music, but you are an idiot because you lost yourself in your own prophecy.
And because I don’t like to appreciate port-mortem the artists and all involved in influencing somehow the human kind, I am writing this short procedure 🙂 for everybody, cause one way or another we all contribute to a better world.
Thinking to a better world song, Michael Jackson it is the first that’s coming to my mind and another idiot who died as accidentally as Dolores.
They are both in the Virgo astrological sign, and because no one insisted to tell them what does that is meaning, they are accidentally dead!
So, first find a good astrologer, because only the good ones are knowing this, sorry for the Romanian astrology, there’s no single one of the best to know that:
And ask for the following questions:
What means my present astrology sign, meaning the one in which you are born. – for example, the Both idiots from my posts were born in Virgo and therefore they should have learn in this life about Safety and NOT to die because of a lack of it! it that clear all the Virgo from the planet?! You don’t have to die, you just have to learn as much as you can in this life about Safety! And there’s a lot of this astrology sign that you should learn in this life, but the only one who puts your life in danger in this astrology sign is Safety! – and remember that the sign in which you are born it is not signify that you already are that, but what you have to learn in this life!
What is your astrological sign that represents what you already are.
What is the astrological sign that’s representing the way you reveal yourself to the world.
What is the astrological sign that’s representing your most sensitive inner side. (In my opinion this is the part that only you should know, this is the part that’s representing the secret that should be kept because that’s what it is protecting you) – except the situation of life and death, you should not reveal this astrological sign of yours.
After that you should say thank you and go, because what’s following it is interpretation and that’s the bad part of astrology, you never know which part it is the interpreter’s and which part it is yours. Therefore, you should start to read for yourself about those signs and to take good care of yourself knowing what you already are, what you are here to learn, how and what’s suit you best to reveal yourself to the world, and how to protect yourself, cause your most sensitivity part of yourself might show you where you are most probably to develop a disease, like in the what you are here to learn and the image sign. So read about each 4 of your astrology signs and about the organs that are associated with it and you will start to know yourself better.
So, once you know those information, you are more likely to not identify yourself with what you are here to learn and to die accidentally.