I am in France, probably one of the countries with whom I have so much in common that I may lose myself, but what is a woman if she is not in love with her image in the mirror?! 🙂
That helped me go behind the level I have seen regarding cancer. I suddenly realized that all the 3 countries in the top of the cancer statistics have a history with U.K. if not a tough one as Ireland who was under UK’s pressure for over 700 years. Australia was U.K.’s prison island for their criminals. And New Zeeland is also under U.K.’s spell. Putting Brexit together on the spliting table of the #cancer it is obvious to ask, are British collectively so mind powerfully and genetically determined so when they are touching others are giving only the lefties of their genes and taking only the best of others’ genes? Cause looking at the royalties they are living over 90’s and driving while everything under their spell are quite fast splitted and fast going up in the top of dying? Are the ones under their spell incapable of evolving so their history will not have such a psychological power over them?
What would be then the signifiance of Brexit? The need and the voice of the collective mind saying and showing through Brexit the same split as in #cancer? Should we stop them or should we just let them go ahead? Also seems that this split it is quite long and unfinished which made today a poping up as some hilarious sayings, or simply jokes:
The end of the world might come and go and the Brexit is still unfinished! 🙂
The Cancer might eat them all on the top 3 and few next levels after and the Brexit is still unfinished! 🙂
I think that many great powers in the world are quite blocked by the small psycho-socially powers who by not having answers to the main health concerns of the human history and trying to keep them in the same bubble are asking for help on it and on other human history unjustices and inequalities and because of that they are just not giving to the world the peace of mind expected!
Anyhow, after going up to the #French Riviera hills and seeing the army of the boats floating and with the help of the #Italian notta blanca festa, I have got the same detachment as these boats as no news can disturb me, no world problem solving can disturb me, no cancer news can disturb me, no spliting problem can disturb me and for the first time in my life I have succeeded to float on my back! Isn’t that helpful? Cause the world doesn’t seem more or less interested in curing diseases but in pills them even more!
#iLoreley back to the back floating, #relaxing, #enjoying life, #holidays, #travel, #suddeninsights, #sharing and #hoping for the best for myself and for the world that from that army of #boats it seems that no one not only is not caring but no one else even exists! 🙂 true or not, that is what is happening in the world and I have embraced my complete image in the #mirror completly
Up-date: after checking the possibility of renting in France, Spain, Germany, Ireland, all countries in E.U. I have one simple conclusion: Brexit is justified, also my getting out of France! 😀 desolé!
Laughing is a social habit, ☮️ my ❤️ & LIKE & SHARE