One conversation that I had today starting from one question made me realize that I should make some comments on the bubble concept and its degree of its multi-universality.
The question was What is the fundamental principle of life? After I have explained the need of a more concrete category to apply it, I have explained that:
the bubble is the unit, the concept (as the cell from our body or as a planet, as a story or as a psychosis, as a concrete product or a virtual one) and it has some degrees of universality – meaning it can be applied as an explanatory and interpretative model to many fields of interest but to how many and how exactly it is a diversity of ways aspect
the fundamental principle of life, at least of the human life is the reproduction, now maybe you all understand my position toward the proliferation of the LGBTQ as the destruction on the long term of the human kind and not because I have something against them as persons, but against the violation of the fundamental principle of life!
the way of the human reproduction or of any production actions are made, is again a matter of the diversity concept and this is where the patterns appear as the repetition of the same, lets say, “attitude” – as a stabilized behavior and if that behavior is not healthy you have to change or to observe the degeneration of the principles!