While I have seen that all the things in life are like a saying I heard that
A surgical knife in the hand of a criminal is the killing weapon, while in the hands of a healer, is the healing instrument and
I am absolutely positive about the fact that this 2020 crisis determined many of you to fail your objectives, not me, I fought back like soldiers do, like men do, like the most atrocious leaders in the human history have done it, like the most outstanding minds of the human kind history have done it, like all the authorities in the world ever did it and more over than they ever tried or did it, and last according to the trend they set us too, the medical way. Its true they caused me even more medical prejudices, that are all in courts right now, ALL, knowing about them or not! :-) And for the many...
While having fun related to Canada's governmental public speaker giving advices on how to have sex during covid-19, we found out that some things are not as they appear in the European Mirror. :-)
No matter what the artist meant your projection is always the powerful one in your own mind, so project on this whole and wall piece of art by #iLoreley ! :D
Traind cele mai atroce momente din existenta umana recenta, cand insisi cei ce creaza aceasta atrocitate cred ca scutesc de fapt planeta de atrocitatea unor razboaie clasice, in antiteza Dez-Fiintarii, Fiintarea si momentul 0, momemtul Bubble al Creatiei a fost accesat si il aduc prin aceasta postare spre cunoastere pamantenilor astfel incat echilibrul sa fie mentinut.
În 30 Ianuarie 2011, după o criză cu urlete, țipete și lovituri cu mâinile în volanul mașinii în care intrasem cât mai puteam respira, după aflarea veștii că banca îmi executase în urma faptului că am fost garant pentru un credit bancar, ultimii bani din cont și singurii bani pe care îi aveam până la următoarele încasări la cabinetul de psihologie pe care îl conduceam (deși nici acei bani nu puteau fi executați, întrucât reprezentau pensia de întreținere a celor doi fii pe care ii aveam în creștere), am fost aruncată brusc în necunoscutul pe care acum îl numesc...
Once you have succedeed in the world of doing everything for and not against as a personal Vision for a greater good, meaning coming to the people's help too, therefore as a common VISION of wealth, as a mutual VISION of sharing, as a light workers in the need of recognition of their VISION, as a chance for making your own VISION something concrete and real, as a mutual VISION of something that is true, authentic, accessible and making your life easier, #iLoreley succedeed to find her own, our own VISION virtual currency!
Ca psiholog, am studiat fumatul de tigarete, din perspectiva adictiei de drogul numit nicotina si de tot ceea ce asociem cu fumatul: de la socializare si pana la momentele mele cu mine, stiind ca reduce oxigenarea organismului, dar niciodata nu am studiat temeinic cat reduce oxigenarea si cum, pana cand sotul meu, pe care il incurajez permanent sa isi faca datoria sa imi spuna si sa imi explice, pentru ca si eu fac la fel, a inceput sa imi explice procesul medical al monoxidului de carbon din tigari, moment in care am decis sa incep studiul.
They say that Buddha was the laughing spiritual figure. To distinguish between the friends and your enemies, you will have to discriminate which ones are laughing as a sign of the sociopathy and which ones are laughing as a sign of joy, happiness and having an authentic sense of humor!
As a person from a family having so called para-normal aptitudes, but for myself starting the age of 12, as premonitions, I naturally studied my family and always wished to be like them :-) .
In the past I was invited to the Romanian Television, Prima TV, at that time in the top 3 televisions in Romania, in the Totul despre mame show, having as MC's two actresses, one of them a psychologist too and a friend of mine, Iuliana Margarit Barbu, together with another specialist and one parent of a kid diagnosed with ADHD, to answer to some questions regarding the ADHD!
Medical, am fost fumatoare de tigari cu nicotina, doar cativa ani, prin studentie, adica am fumat mai mult de 7-10 tigari pe zi full flavor. M-am jucat in scopul studiului cu adictia de nicotina. Am fost complet nefumatoare un sfert din timpul total in care am mai fumat. Cea mai mare parte din timpul total de tigari fumate au fost light. Mai mult de jumatate din timpul total de fumat am fumat tigari light si super slim.
As I was raised by my family as an authentic royal princess to have for myself but to share for all of us, from my wealth, as a continuation to my post, "Contributia mea planetara in vindecarea individului, atunci cand sistemele sunt iresponsabile si mint ", these posts are not only a conclusion to it, but a series of disruptive, innovative ideas in IT and medicine, neurology fields.
Se spune ca fiind insarcinate, suntem bombardate de tot felul de hormoni, care mai de care mai impresionanti si mai imbatatori de stare de bine, dar si de confuzie :-) . Fiind insarcinata cu cel de-al doilea fiu, Gruia, si testand natural, dar si printr-o baterie de teste, anxietatea bonelor ce ma sprijineau in cresterea primului nostru fiu, Matthias, am decis ca o propunere de noutate in domeniul psihologiei, in cadrul lucrarii mele de licenta in Psihologie, intitulata, "Anxietatea, aliat sau inamic pentru rolul de bona" urmatoarea imbinare cu studiile mele din licenta precedenta :-) in Automatica...
1. Eu stiu ceva nutritie, deci daca nu stiti, mergeti la medicul nutritionist, in acest articol gasiti multe informatii utile, dar nu tot, caci o parte din vindecare este implicarea ta personala in actul de vindecare!
2. dansul si miscarile naturale, cand imi legan fiica in leagan, fac miscare si implic natural niste miscari care ma ajuta sa mentin tonusul.
3. aplicatia de intretinere, slabit sau crestere in greutate.
4. portii mici includeti paine din faina integrala si cu seminte, portiile mici intretin metabolismul in loc sa il incetineasca, iar paine din faina integrala si seminte, ajuta...
Polisemia face o limba straina sau materna sa para divina, caci poate contine tot in fraze simple. Jung ar fi trebuit sa studieze limba romana si ar fi inteles mai multe despre aptitudinea de a contine cat mai mult sau totul, Si care rezida nu doar intr-o aptitudine de comprehensiune, ci si in familiaritatea polisemantica a limbii vorbite! Nu intamplator psihoterapia este abordata cultural si nu general!
For more than a decade I am using consciously the process of creativity that too many of you are calling it a gift or an inspiration or a shared process (as a social mind), its not, it is work, its hard work and with the greatest results of which each one of the persons that met me one way or another, sooner or later had to acknowledge my amazing results, findings and insights in almost every field I am deciding to satisfy my curiosity or to find an answer that will help someone! I am not doing that anymore but for my own benefit until I will be in a contract, I mean, but you can use the same mechanism...
When you want to get into the people's mind as an authentic brand or as an authentic series of brands then you have to have the Name and except what the marketing and branding books are writing in about it, you should remember that we are all about what we are inside and the opposite which together are creating the universality that no one can resist to it nor without it!
#iLoreley made a new acquisition that is like a winning royal flush in the mind game tough a commercial interaction for a prolific closure or a ches mat: SPIRIT-A-PORTER.NET !
One conversation that I had today starting from one question made me realize that I should make some comments on the bubble concept and its degree of its multi-universality.
While in the communism times in Romania, the good books were somehow prohibited and only a part of them were conditioned by buying the communism propaganda ones, somehow I was always frustrated that I couldn’t find too many books in our own family's library, although we had a good one, my late father was a Romanian language high school teacher so he did everything he could to choose and to buy the good books! I loved school and I wasn't a nerd! :D I loved everything new and I was always attracted to the science part! (I have started to hide in my room when I was about 10 years old and started...
You can’t be happy with more if you were not happy with less! I mean for the mathematicians I would write it like this f(happy.... :D So you can’t be happier with more if you were not already happy with less! #iLoreley
In the last four years I have traveled enough so I can depict how you all are doing in Europe and North America, how is it going on with your start-up or how you are sustaining your business and on what and on whom you are counting on, more if you are counting on social media's likes in your business or not and if you are counting at all on social media for your business.
I was that good in psychotherapy that my suspected jew roots are pushing me to start this post with the joke but I will save it for the end of the post as usually!
One of #iLoreley's & SPIRIT-A-PORTER.com's readers wrote me a comment on the blog, out of which I got the idea of helping others, blog writers beginners choosing the blogging path with some recommendations:
As it can be read in the posts on the #iLoreley's bubble perspective on Psychology and Medicine on Cancer (the First post, the Second post, and the Quiz, all three posts on cancer), Alzheimer and Autism, I have wrote about the most important disorders and diseases and on the Social movements as immigration(post1) Psycho-Social-Political surveillance disaster and Brexit, #iLoreley on Spirituality and Genetics together with the #iLoreley's bubble perspective on religions and politics and on all the bubbles involved in making the philosophies something visible, useful and concrete presented shortly,...